Baghouse Filters

Baghouse Filters

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Pulse Air and Reverse Air type Baghouse Filters

MDSJ supplies pulse-air and reverse air type baghouse filters for industrial and utility applications. Over the years MDSJ has provided hundreds of successfully operating installations for a variety of industries, such as: coal, cement, steel, power, mining and chemical.

MDSJ's Bag Filters are state of the art, high efficiency, modular filters designed to handle gas volumes from several hundred to several thousand cubic meter per minute. All MDSJ Bag Filters are custom designed for optimum air-to-cloth ratios, longer bag life and higher particulate removal efficiencies.

For large power plant applications, MDSJ supplies reverse air baghouses utilizing 8-METER -long bags. MDSJ can provide bags with a wide choice of materials including: Polyester, NOMAX, Acrylic, Teflon, Glass, Ryton, fiberglass, or sintered metal. MDSJ baghouse can provide over 90% mercury removal from coal-fired boiler exhaust gases.and incinerator.