Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying

Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying

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Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying

MDSJ Dilute phase pneumatic conveying is a method of moving non abrasive, non-fragile materials that have a lower bulk density. The system incorporates a high gas volume, low pressure process, entraining the materials and generally conveys one of two ways: pressure or vacuum. In pressure conveying a high volume of low-pressure air transfers material at a high velocity. In vacuum conveying a high volume of negative-pressure air transfers material at a high speed. Common materials suitable for dilute phase pneumatic conveying are flours, resins & compounds, specialty chemicals, and more.






MDSJ designs custom solutions to meet your needs. We understand that processes change, so we design flexible systems to evolve with your dynamic needs. Our designs incorporate robust components such as heavier sheet metal and stronger bulk bag unloaders increasing system life expectancy and reducing maintenance costs

Pressure Conveying Systems

Positive pressure dilute phase systems operate above atmospheric pressure. This system is used to convey bulk materials from single or multiple intakes through a pipeline to one or more destinations. Here, powder is separated from air through a filter.Through an airlock, powder is dosed into the airflow and transported in a continuous flow at a relatively high velocity, through the pipeline to the dedicated destination. The blower pump is equipped with a pressure transmitter to protect the powder-to-air-ratio in order to avoid blockage in the pipeline.Pressure systems typically have higher capacities and can convey product over further distances than a vacuum system.Daniatech pressure airlock hopper is equipped with air leakage venting, level sensor and service manway. The Daniatech airlock ensures a gentle product flow.