So2 HCL and Acid Removal

So2 HCL and Acid Removal

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Industrial Air Waste, Hospital Waste and Waste Incineration facility or often called Waste to Energy (swi) facility has EXPERIENCE in cleaning MDSJ air/gas emissions to comply with local environmental regulations and rules. In this case Flue Gas Treatment requires the injection of powders such as Calcium Hydroxide (lime), Sodium Bicarbonate, Soda Ash, PAC ACTIVATED CARBON to capture the pollutants contained in the smoke. Each pollutant has its own specific powder and MDSJ sorbent system Thanks to the MDSJ special design complete system, acid gas particles will be captured by the dry reagent injected into the channel. Then, at the end of the process, they will be filtered in the bag filter.Dry sorbent designs and supplies a customized and complete system for injecting powder into the incinerator channel. Typically, the scope of supply will include the following innovative items:

  • Cylindrical conical storage silo with mechanical or air compression discharge system, arch breaker/rotary silo activator type with metering screw feeder. We can scan the lood cell, integrate up to 4 independent feeders to achieve separated/several injection points.

  • Complete pneumatic transfer system specifically designed for each dry reagent, from centrifugal or pneumatic blower to the point of injection.

Mechanical Silo Activator (MDSJ Silo Activator)

It is a system combined with a flexible screw conveyor. Regardless of the silo capacity, the silo discharge unit guarantees the flow control and correct feeding of powder products such as quicklime, slaked lime, powdered active carbon, sodium bicarbonate, etc.

Mechanical Bin Activator (MDSJ Silo Activator):

To increase the accuracy of the volumetric feeder, the equipment can be equipped with an electronic device to convert the weight loss into a gravimetric feeder. The belt breaker or silo emptier is equipped with a slide valve assembly and is fully mechanical. The product is always kept inside the feeder, which guarantees feeding accuracy regardless of the load in the silo. The mechanical silo activator can be installed in new or existing silos. The conveyor ensures the transfer of the product to the process application. Multiple screw feeders, flexible or rigid, can be installed in a silo.

By installing the blockage breaker MDS 800 under the silo, it is possible to install up to 4 screw feeders with different outputs. This is an effective solution for gas treatment systems where more than one combustion line needs to be fed.