Activated Carbon System

Activated Carbon System

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Activated Carbon System for VOC & Dioxin Control

MDSJ supplies systems to remove or recover the following pollutants: Dioxins, Furans, Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, Ketones, Alcohols, Phenols, Aliphatic, Aromatic and Halogenated organic Compounds, Esters, and other organics. All systems are custom engineered, so please consult a MDSJ engineer for your particular requirement.

MDSJ supplies Activated Carbon Bed adsorption systems to remove or recover VOCs from air streams.
MDSJ supplies Activated Carbon Injection systems to remove Dioxins, Furans and other toxic pollutants from incinerator and oxidizer exhaust flue gases.
MDSJ carbon bed systems remove compounds from exhaust gases coming from chemical processing, coating, printing, electronics, metal cleaning, waste treatment plants, and other operations.
MDSJ offers modular systems from 1000M3to 100000.