Double Alkaline Desulfurization
It uses sodium-based desulfurizer for desulfurization in the tower. Due to the strong alkalinity of sodium-based desulfurizer, the solubility of the reaction products after absorption of sulfur dioxide SO2 is quite high, which will not cause supersaturated crystallization and will not cause clogging problems. On the other hand, the desulfurizer products are discharged into the regeneration tank for regeneration with calcium hydroxide, and the regenerated sodium-based desulfurizer is recycled to be used in the desulfurizer again.
MDSJ dry technology is a simple, low investment cost, high-performance desulfurization system that occupies a small area and is easy to operate. The dry desulfurization process uses the sensible heat in the flue gas to evaporate the wet desulfurization chemical semi-wet substance water. In the drying process, the desulfurizer reacts with the sulfur dioxide in the flue gas to form dry powder products. In order to improve the efficiency of desulfurization, lime powder pulp is used as the desulfurization agent. The desulfurized slag is a kind of free-flowing dry powder mixture that has no secondary pollution and can be used later. The process is mainly used for the desulfurization of flue gas of power plant boilers. The flue gas treatment capacity of single tower, the SO2 removal rate can reach 89%-97%. MDSJ Clean Air Technology is a method with the single tower processing capacity of semi-dry desulfurization and the most superior comprehensive desulfurization advantage among dry and semi-dry desulfurization technologies.
All businesses with high sulphur emissions
Solid waste incineration plants
Coal boilers