Hazardous Waste Incineration

Hazardous Waste Incineration

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Hazardous Waste Incineration

MDSJ AIR has designed systems using advanced technologies to remove two classes of pollutants from incinerator flue gases: particulate matter and acid gases. It has also added SNCR dosing systems using ammonia-urea where dioxins and/or mercury need to be removed. Modern municipalities in all countries are required to install emission control systems for the removal of particulates, acid gases and, in many cases, dioxins and mercury in solid waste incinerators. MDSJ AIR typically uses fabric filters or combined dry electrostatic precipitators (ESP) for the removal of particulates in these municipal solid waste incinerators. ESP alone is not sufficient, and dry sorbent dosing after ESP is important for recirculation. Spray dry absorbers and dry lime or sodium bicarbonate injection systems are used for the removal of acidic gases. These systems are preferred for the removal of acid gases — HCl and sulfur dioxide (SO2). Dry powder activated carbon injection systems provide dioxin, furan and mercury removal. In addition, after the temperature drop in the gas is provided for the removal of acidic pollutant gases, wet scrubber systems are used in the second and final stage, after the gas is cleaned, it is reheated and discharged from the chimneys. MDSJ AIR has sufficient knowledge for the correct selection of these systems.