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MS500 MDSJ Multicyclones

MDSJ Multicyclones have been providing superior service in a wide range of applications for 36 years. MDSJ Multitube Cyclone Collectors are designed with high efficiency and low-pressure drop to ensure maximum particulate collection and minimal operating costs. The simple and robust construction of the tubes ensures a long service life, minimal downtime, and low maintenance requirements. MDSJ Multicyclones have no moving parts and are custom-designed for a wide range of gas flows and inlet loadings.

MS500 Multicyclones can achieve over 98% efficiency on particles 4 microns and larger. MDSJ generally uses 230 mm diameter tubes to collect fine particulates in applications with light dust loading and medium to low particulate density. The 320 mm diameter tubes are preferred for applications with high dust loading, coarse particles, and high particulate density. Collecting fine dust under light dust load conditions is the most challenging. In such applications, MDSJ can use 160 mm diameter tubes to achieve higher efficiency. Special vane devices are also used to enhance the efficiency of the collection tubes.