Tray Wet Scrubber

Tray Wet Scrubber

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TS-Tray Wet Washer

The MDSJ Clean Air Technology tray scrubber is a versatile, low-pressure scrubber suitable for a wide range of applications with highly efficient dust capture. The MDSJ tray scrubber is also suitable for the extraction of gases and vapours such as SO2, HF, HCI, NH3 and CI2 and for the removal of SO2.

The scrubber can be equipped with a perforated turbulent contact tray or a controlled tray. The perforated type tray contains a large number of holes. The controlled tray is similar to a normal tray scrubber but has special diverters positioned above each hole. The diverters increase the dust collection efficiency because the dust directly impacts the submerged target, which is then washed away by the flowing liquid.

Depending on the application requirements, several types of trays and one or more stages can be incorporated into the MDSJ tray. The scrubber can be used with recycled liquids containing 2% solids.
During operation, the dirty gas enters the bottom of the scrubber and passes through the holes in the tray. The washing liquid passes into the upper contact stage and flows through the tray. The gas absorbs the liquid, which creates a dust retention and a special gas/liquid mixture. The cleaned gas then passes through the mist eliminator and out the top of the unit to the atmosphere.

MDSJ Turbulent Contact Tray Scrubbers can be made of carbon steel, stainless steel, special alloys and plastics. Units are available with capacities ranging from 1000 to 400 thousand m3.
The scrubber can handle recycled liquids containing 2% solids. During operation, dirty gas enters the bottom of the scrubber and passes through the holes in the tray.

The cleaned gas then passes through the mist eliminator and out the top of the unit to the atmosphere.

Structural Features

MDSJ Turbulent contact tray washers can be made from carbon steel, stainless steel, special alloys and plastics. Units are available with capacities ranging from 1000 to 400 thousand m3.Versatile MDSJ Process Engineering TS Filled Scrubber Applications
Suitable for a wide variety of applications in industries including chemical, pulp, steel and metal coating, fertilizer and pharmaceutical.
The MDSJ Process Engineering TS tray scrubber is effective in removing corrosive and or noxious fumes and mists (6-8 microns and larger) from a gas stream.