Wet Scrubbers

Wet Scrubbers

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What are Wet Scrubbers?

MDSJ Wet Scrubbers use variety of technological configurations to remove particulates and acid gases from exhaust flue gas stream. In a wet scrubber, the polluted gas stream is brought into contact with the scrubbing liquid, by spraying it with the liquid, and forcing it through a pool of liquid, or by some packing media or trays, so as to remove the pollutants. MDSJ Wet Scrubbers are designed to collect particulate matter and/or gaseous pollutants with over 99.99% efficiency and can achieve under 15 m gr/M3 emissions.MDSJ known for its patented dynamic wet scrubbers which include the Dynamic Wet Scrubbers.
The MDSJ Dynamic Wet Scrubber is for use in applications involving heavy dust loads, and abrasive materials.
Where heavy dust loads and large particulate have to be removed The Multivane Centrifugal wet Scrubber is particularly suited for applications involving heavy dust loads and large particulate.

Wet Scrubber Applications

MDSJ Wet scrubbers provide over 99.9% efficiency on following applications:

  • Black Liquor Recovery Boilers

  • Dissolving Tanks

  • Mining Plants: Particulate control

  • Lime Sludge Kilns

  • Carbon Black Plants

  • Fertilizer Plants

  • Paper Grinding

  • Pelletizing Operations

  • Sintering Plants

  • Ore Dryers

  • Clay Preparation

  • Titanium Dioxide Plants

  • Soda Ash Plants

  • Plastics Handling

  • Phthalic Anhydride Plants

  • Copper Concentrate Dryers

  • Evaportation Vents

  • Bark & Auxiliary Boilers

  • Digester Blow Tanks

  • All Industrial Applications

  • Dyes Manufacture and more.

Wet DY 3000 Dynamic Scrubber

Type DY 3000 This MDSJ industrial wet scrubber is compact with built-in wet fan and features dust collection efficiency over 99.9% in minimum space with low water requirements. Rugged construction virtually eliminates maintenance problems.Wet Scrubber DY 4000TYPE DY 4000 This MDSJ Patented DY4000 Wet Scrubber is used for particulate control and is a maintenance free unit, complete with integral wet fan, achieving high efficiency with medium pressure drop in applications involving heavy dust loads, and abrasive materials.

  • Wet Scrubber Advantages99% particulate + collection efficiency in 1 to 3-micron range

  • Achieves 15MGR/M3 outlet loadings

  • Low water rates (2 to 3 gal/1700M3/H

  • Ideal for combined gas absorption and particulate control

  • Integral self-cleaning wet fan

  • Low pressure drop

  • Rugged construction & maintenance-free

  • Multivane Centrifugal Wet Scrubber

The MDSJ Multivane Centrifugal wet Scrubber is particularly suited for applications involving heavy dust loads and large particulate. This unit operates with centrifugal action between gas stream and liquid and can be designed with either spin vanes or spray manifolds for liquid distribution. High efficiencies are obtained for particles in the 2 to 8-micron range.